All the above options re-define the order in which the Choices data is held in Dataverse
If you don’t have direct access to Dataverse to edit the Choice content, or if you need flexibility in how the Choices are presented in a Canvas app, then none of the above will work for you. Under these circumstances, the only possibility is to sort the Choices within your Canvas app
Using the JSON function, you can get access to the Choice ID. Once you have the Choice ID in a variable, with some clever data manipulation, the Choices text can be aligned with its respective Choice ID in a 2 column collection
This collection replicates the Choice column in Dataverse and can be used as the Items property in a Dropdown box, instead of the Dataverse Choice column. Using the Sort function, the content can now be sorted as required, either by the Choices text or the Choice ID.
The Patch function is then used to add or update the Dataverse Choice column with the selected content of the Dropdown box
This technique is described in full detail by Django Lohn in his excellent blog post here