Under certain circumstances, it may be useful to allow App Makers to create Power Apps, but restrict them from sharing the app they create with others.
The security role that Makers are given to create Power Apps is the System Customizer role.
By copying and modifying the System Customizer security role and assigning it to Makers, you can prevent them from sharing a Power App.
Because security roles are specific to environments, this can be done in individual environments.
How to Disable App Sharing
Ensure you have the System Administrator security role for the relevant environment.
Open the Power Platform Admin Center
Select the environment.
Go to Security roles (or Settings > Users + permissions > Security roles).
Select the System Customizer role, select Copy, and name the new role. Click Copy to save.
Amend the New Security Role
Select the new security role just created.
Using search, find the “Canvas App” customization and set the “Share” permission to “None Selected”. This prevents the role from sharing apps. The System Customizer role on which the new role is based only has read access to security roles. Therefore, anyone who is assigned this role cannot reinstate the permission to share apps.
Save the new custom role.
Assign the Modified Security Role
Assign the new security role to users or teams who you want to be able to create apps in this environment but not be able to share them, instead of system customizer security role.
By following these steps, you can prevent Makers from sharing Power Apps, ensuring better control over app distribution.